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# 11820 - 1974 Anti-Monopoly game $14.95
              Excellent Condition (nice game, bottom w/ slight bowing)

# 00000 - 1974 Anti-Monopoly game $12.95
              Very Good Condition - Sold Out

# 00000 - 1974 Anti-Monopoly game $11.95
              Acceptable Condition - Sold Out

Anti-Monopoly game
©1974, Ralph Anspach
Ages: 8 to Adult
Players: 2 to 6
Don's Game Closet
Game Parts Available for Sale

No Parts Available for Sale
Game Contents
1 Game board
36 Post cards
1 Pick another card
1 Roll the dice
1 Roll the dice - transfer
1 Throw dice - monopolistic
1 Throw dice - working overtime
1 Throw dice - drop all indicts
1 Skip one turn
1 Take extra turn
1 Court decision /remove 1 indict
1 Court decision /remove 2 indict
1 Court decision /predatory pract
1 Court decision /give up owner
1 Court decision /anticompetitive
1 Collect $100 - General Auto
1 Collect $100 - ITD
1 Collect $100 - Budget passed
1 Collect $200 - Budget error
1 Collect $200 - Office memo
1 Collect $200 - Investigation
1 Pay $50
1 Pay $200 - Drag feet
1 Pay $200 - Bugging office
1 Pay $200 - Fail to report
1 Transmit $50
1 200 Social credit points
1 300 Social credit points
1 Congratulations - Whos Who
1 Trustbuster of the year
1 Keep up the good work
1 Address commonwealth club
1 Student volunteers in office
1 Your legal procedure discourage
1 Assignment reshuffle
1 Don't have to go to court
1 Return 1 indictment to budget
1 Remove 1 indictment off board
11 Social credit loan notes
$350 Auto
$350 Computer
$350 Electric
$350 Oil
$350 Steel
$500 Aluminum
$500 Food
$500 Railroads
$500 Tire
$700 ITD
$700 Ocean gas
3 Packages of money
1 Package of $50 dollars
1 Package of $100 dollars
1 Package of $500 dollars
180 Colored chips
60 Red/blue chips
60 Green/yellow chips
60 Black/white chips
6 Plastic movers
2 Standard 6-sided dice
As trustbusters, players attempt to end the monopoly of
3-company combinations on the game board. Players slap
lawsuits on these monopolies and try to get the largest number
of social-credit points when the first player runs out of money.

Shipping Wt: Approx. 2.5 lbs.
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#00000 Acceptable Condition
" The Bust-the-Trust Game"