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# 00000 - 1981 Dark Tower game $399.95
           Excellent Condition - Sold Out

# 00000 - 1981 Dark Tower game $351.95
           Very Good Condition - Sold Out

# 00000 - 1981 Dark Tower game $319.95
           Acceptable Condition - Sold Out

Dark Tower game
©1981, Milton Bradley
Ages: 10 to Adult
Players: 1 to 4
Don's Game Closet
Game Parts Available for Sale

Replacement Light Bulbs     $3.75 each
Scoring Pegs                       $1.50 each
1 Dark Tower game unit
1 Plastic light bulb gripping tool
1 2-Piece gameboard
1 Plastic gameboard interlock
16 Plastic buildings
(1 each of Ruin, Bazaar, Tomb,
Sanctuary buildings in 4 colors)
4 Tan buildings
4 Gray buildings
4 Brown buildings
4 Yellow buildings
4 Plastic warrior pawns
1 Tan warrior piece
1 Gray warrior piece
1 Brown warrior piece
1 Yellow warrior piece
1 Plastic dragon pawn
12 Plastic key pieces
4 Brass keys (orange)
4 Silver keys (gray)
4 Gold keys (yellow)
5 Plastic flags
1 Red Arisilon flag
1 Red Dark Tower flag
1 Blue Brynthia flag
1 Green Zenon flag
1 Yellow Durnin flag
42 Plastic red score pegs
4 Plastic white corner protectors
4 Plastic score charts
4 Cardboard Pegasus tokens
1 Instruction booklet
DESCRIPTION - from the game
Retrieve the Ancient Magic Scepter that has been stolen by a
tyrant king.  The Scepter is the Power Staff of the Empire and a
Kingdom has been offered for its return.  It now lays hidden in
the Dark Tower guarded by the tyrant's fierce band of Brigands.  
Three magic keys will open the tower to you.  Find the keys in
three foreign kingdoms on the gameboard and you can lay siege
to the Dark Tower.  The object of Dark Tower game is to
journey around the board, collect three magic keys and
successfully attack the Dark Tower.  

Shipping Wt: Approx. 4.5 lbs.
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