Electronic Detective game
©1979, IDEAL
Ages: 10 and Up
Players: 1 to 4
Complete Games for Sale - click name to purchase
(All games are previously played unless otherwise noted)
Game Condition =>  Pricing Scale (click link above)

# 12044 - 1979 Electronic Detective game $37.95
                 Excellent Condition (nice, tested, lightly used, 1 torn box flap)

# 00000 - 1979 Electronic Detective game $34.95
                 Very Good Condition - Sold Out

# 00000 - 1979 Electronic Detective game $31.95
                 Acceptable Condition - Sold Out
Don's Game Closet
Related games
1975 Kojak Stake Out Detective game Milton Bradley
Lie Detector game Pressman
Spy Detector game Mattel
1970s games
See Law games
See IDEAL games
See Mystery games
Game Parts Available for Sale

No Parts Available for Sale
1 Electronic detective console
1 Keying guide
1 Case fact sheet
20 Suspect cards
#1 Lenny Little
#2 Al Farook
#3 Pepe Perez
#4 Tony Racheti
#5 Mickey O' Malley
#6 Max Fineflugle
#7 Ripp Rapp
#8 Buster Bailey
#9 Rocky Roll
#10 Ling Tong
#11 Ivy Little
#12 Lucy Tumble
#13 Piper Perez
#14 Dina Racheti
#15 Eileen Stellar
#16 Joan Fineflugle
#17 Rose Pettle
#18 Doris Dill
#19 Candy Roll
#20 Sing Wong

NOTE: Some copies
include a thin rules sound
record that is scratched.
Game Contents
Case Fact
In Electronic Detective game there is an electronic unit that has the
facts about a randomly selected crime with 20 suspects to choose
from.  Each player tries to figure out the crime using a case fact sheet
to record information such as the murderer's sex, the murder weapon's
caliber, fingerprint information, and where the murderer is located.  
Players can ask questions and the unit will answer secretly.  The first
player to correctly identify the guilty suspect wins the game.
Shipping Wt: Approx. 3.5 lbs.
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