Foto-Electric Football game (Model 233)
©1970, Cadaco
Ages: PreTeen to Adult
Players: 2
Complete Games for Sale - click name to purchase
(All games are previously played unless otherwise noted)
Game Condition =>  Pricing Scale (click link above)

# 00000 - 1970 Foto-Electric Football game $39.95
                 Excellent Condition - Sold Out, other editions below

# 00000 - 1970 Foto-Electric Football game $34.95
                 Very Good Condition - Sold Out

# 00000 - 1970 Foto-Electric Football game $31.95
                 Acceptable Condition - Sold Out
Don's Game Closet
Game Parts Available for Sale

No Parts Available for Sale
1 Play viewer box assembly
1 Playing field
1 Football marker
1 10-Yard marker
1 Slide
1 Score board
1 Standard light bulb
1 Light fixture and wire
1 Spinner card
(for kicks, returns, field goals,
tries for point after touchdown,
fumbles and blocked kicks,
interception returns & penalties)
12 Offensive play cards
Offense 1 - the bomb
Offense 2 - short pass
Offense 3 - end run
Offense 4 - off tackle
Offense 5 - quick opener
Offense 6 - half back draw play
Offense 7 - long pass right
Offense 8 - spot pass
Offense 9 - look -in pass
Offense 10 - end run (L)
Offense 11 - quarterback option
Offense 12 - screen pass
6 Defensive play cards
1 Defense A
1 Defense B
1 Defense C
1 Defense D
1 Defense E
1 Defense F
Game Contents
The object of Foto-Electric Football game is to call good plays and rely on
good luck to win the game.  In this two player game opposing players call
offensive and defensive plays from a set of 18 (12 on offense, 6 on
defense) see-through overlay cards . Cards for these plays are placed on a
box-type playing field with a light bulb inside that illuminates the results
of the players’ calls.  A set of spinners and play cards are included to help
determine the outcome of plays.

Shipping Wt:  Approx. 5 lbs.
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