Pokemon Master Trainer game
©1998, Milton Bradley
Ages: 7 and Up
Players: 2 to 6
100% Complete Games for Sale - click name to purchase
(All games are previously played unless otherwise noted)
Game Condition =>  Pricing Scale (click link above)

# SOLD - 1998 Pokemon Master Trainer game $49.95
                        Excellent Condition (Sold Out)

# 00000 - 1998 Pokemon Master Trainer game $43.95
                        Very Good Condition - Sold Out

# 00000 - 1998 Pokemon Master Trainer game $39.95
                        Acceptable Condition - Sold Out
Don's Game Closet
Game Parts Available for Sale

Email Us for Parts Available for Sale
1 Game board
6 Ash movers
1 Yellow ash mover
1 Blue ash mover
1 Orange ash mover
1 Pink ash mover
1 Green ash mover
1 Brown ash mover
6 Starter chips
1 Clefairy Starter chip
1 Pikachu Starter chip
1 Bulbasaur Starter chip
1 Charmander Starter chip
1 Squirtle Starter chip
1 Meowth Starter chip
9 Sets of number chips
(see listing below)
1 Set of 24 pink #2 chips
1 Set of 11 pink #3 chips
1 Set of 25 green #4 chips
1 Set of 16 green #5 chips
1 Set of 21 blue #6 chips
1 Set of 17 blue #7 chips
1 Set of 16 red #6 chips
1 Set of 10 red #7 chips
1 Set of 4 yellow chips
5 Rival cards
1 Lorelei rival card
1 Bruno rival card
1 Agatha rival card
1 Lance rival card
1 Gary rival card
1 Storage Tray
54 Event cards (listing below)
54 Item cards (listing below)
2 Standard 6-sided dice
DESCRIPTION - from the game
On your quest, travel from Pallet Town to Indigo Plateau, battling and defeating every other trainer you meet on
the way.  You'll search for rare Pokemon in the Unknown Dungeon, and us Poke' Balls to catch 'em.   Special
cards will quickly change your fate.  Catch an entire Pokemon Evolution Group for maximum Attack Strength.  
When you collect the ultimate Pokemon team and beat a Pokemon Master, you'll be the new Master Trainer!   
Shipping Wt: Approx. 3.5 lbs.
Game Contents
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Memories, Reviews
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A - English                                           B - French
1 Gameboard * 6 Ash Movers (pink, blue, brown, yellow, orange, green) * 5 Rival cards (Lorelei, Bruno, Agatha, Lance, Gary) * 1
storage tray * 2 dice * 150 Pokemon chips (see listing below by power), cardboard insert.

6 Starter: Clefairy (3), Meowth (3), Piakchu (3), Bulbasaur (4), Squirtle (5), Charmander (5)

35 Pink:
24 - 2 power- Bellsprout, Caterpie, Diglett, Doduo, Exeggcute, Gastly, Geodude, Goldeen, Horsea, Krabby, Magikarp, Magnamite,
Nidoran ♀, Nidoran ♂, Oddish, Pidgey, Poliwag, Rattata, Shellder, Spearow, Tentacool, Venonat, Weedle, Zubat
11 - 3 power- Abra, Ekans, Grimer, Jigglypuff, Paras, Psyduck, Sandshrew, Slowpoke, Staryu, Voltorb, Vulpix

41 Green:
25 - 4 power- Cloyster, Cubone, Drowzee, Dugtrio, Electrode, Gloom, Golbat, Graveler, Kakuna, Kingler, Machop, Magneton,
Mankey, Metapod, Muk, Nidorina, Pidgeotto, Polliwhirl, Sandslash, Seadra, Seaking, Starmie, Tangela, Tentacruel, Weepinbell
16 - 5 power- Clefable, Ditto, Dodrio, Eevee, Growlthe, Haunter, Kadabra, Koffing, Lickitung, Nidorino, Parasect, Ponyta, Porygon,
Seel, Slowbro, Wigglytuff

38 Blue:
21 - 6 power- Arbok, Beedrill, Butterfree, Farfetch'd, Fearow, Golduck, Golem, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Jynx, Machoke, Marowak,
Pidgeot, Pinsir, Poliwrath, Raichu, Raticate, Rhyhorn, Venomoth, Victreebel, Weezing
17 - 7 power- Charmeleon, Dratini, Flareon, Hypno, Ivysaur, Jolteon, Kabuto, Mr. Mime, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Ninetales, Omanyte,
Persian, Primeape, Vapereon, Vileplume, Wartortle

26 Red:
16 - 6 power- Aerodactyl, Alakazam, Arcanine, Dewgong, Dragonair, Electabuzz, Exeggutor, Kabutops, Kangaskhan, Lapras,
Magmar, Omastar, Onix, Rapidash, Rhydon, Scyther
10 - 7 power- Blastoise, Chansey, Charizard, Dragonite, Gengar, Gyarados, Machamp, Snorlax, Tauros, Venusaur

4 Yellow:
Mewtwo (9), Articuno (8), Zapdos (8), Moltres (8)

54 Item cards
(6) Master ball, (6) Ultra ball, (6) Great Ball, (5) Potion, (4) Poke Doll, (4) Time Machine, (5) Fly, (4) AB+1, (4) AB+2, (4) AB+3, (3)
AB+4, (3) AB+5

54 Event Cards
(9) Take Item Card 1, (5) Take Item Card 2, (3) Take Item Card 3, (10) Let's Fight, (5) Chance, (2) Pokemon Center, (10) Unknown
Dungeon Pokemon, (10) Trade Pokemon
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