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# SOLD - 2002 Settlers of Canaan game $19.95
                   Excellent Condition (Sold Out-w)

# 00000 - 2002 Settlers of Canaan game $17.95
                   Very Good Condition - Sold Out

# 00000 - 2002 Settlers of Canaan game $15.95
                   Acceptable Condition - Sold Out

Settlers of Canaan game
©2002, Cactus Game Design
Ages: 7 and Up
Players: 2 to 4
Don's Game Closet
Game Parts Available for Sale

No Parts Available for Sale
Game Contents
DESCRIPTION - from the game
Settlers of Canaan takes place in the territory of Canaan off the coast
of The Great Sea.  Each player represents a tribe of Israel as they seek
to settle the land of Canaan. The time period of the game spans the time
of Joshua's conquest of Canaan (Joshua), the turbulent years rules by
the judges (Judges) through the choosing and crowning of King David (I
& II Samuel).

Shipping Wt: Approx. 3 lbs.
1 4-Panel game board
115 Resource cards
23 Lumber cards (from forest)
23 Grain cards (from fields)
23 Stone cards (from hills)
23 Ore cards (from mountains)
23 Wool cards (from pastures)
35 Development cards
20 Priest cards
11 Event cards
4 Victory points
4 Building Cost cards
3 Special cards
1 Longest road card
1 Most priest card
1 King's blessing card
16 Cities (large structure)
4 Red cities
4 Blue cities
4 White cities
4 Orange cities
20 Settlements (small structurre)
5 Red settlements
5 Blue settlements
5 White settlements
5 Orange settlements
50 Roads (bars)
15 Red roads
15 Blue roads
15 White roads
15 Orange roads
80 Building stones (squares)
13 Red squares
13 Blue squares
13 White squares
13 Orange squares
28 Extra squares
4 Victory Point markers (peg)
1 Red peg
1 Blue peg
1 White peg
1 Orange peg
2 Standard 6-sided dice
1 Plague marker (black)
2 Bonus cards
(box says 3 bonus cards but only
pictures 2 cards, probably error)
1 Joshua card
1 Caleb card

(include 3 bonus promotional
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