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# 03541 - 1993 Where in the World? game $9.95
               Excellent Condition (1 split corner)

# 00000 - 1993 Where in the World? game $8.95
               Very Good Condition - Sold Out

# 00000 - 1993 Where in the World? game $7.95
               Acceptable Condition - Sold Out

Where in the World? game
©1993, Aristoplay
Ages: 8 and Up
Players: 2 to 6
Don's Game Closet
A World Awareness Game
193 Countries
Game Parts Available for Sale

No Parts Available for Sale
Game Contents
6 Regions boards
1 Asia board
1 Europe board
1 North America board
1 South America board
1 Africa board
1 Oceania board
193 Country cards
45 Asia (orange)
53 Africa (yellow)
45 Europe (red)
24 North America (blue)
13 South America (green)
13 Oceania (violet)
5 Wild cards
1 Category spinner
120 Playing pieces
DESCRIPTION - from the game
Build your knowledge of countries by answering questions in six
different games.  The most advanced game, Senior Ambassador, invites
players to contribute their own country clues based on current events
reported in the news media.  The five other games are Crazy Countries
1, Crazy Countries 2., Statesman, Diplomat, Ambassador Junior.  

Shipping Wt: Approx. 4.5 lbs.
#03540 Very Good Condition
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