Year       Name of Game             Manufacturer          Fee
1956 Dai Jobi Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) Order
1980 Dallas Card Game Rules* (Mego) Order
1978 Dallas Scene Game Rules* (Hansen) Order
1980 Dallas The Television Role-Playing Game Rules* (SPI-Lorimar) Order
0000 Dalmation Dominoes Game Rules* (International Playthings) Order
1991 Dance Party Game Rules* (Golden) Order
0000 Dandy Candy Card (No. 448) Game Rules* (Warren) $4.00
1988 Danger Dive Flipsider Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) Order
2008 Dangerous Book for Boys Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) Order
1988 Dare Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
2003 Dare Ya The Ultimate Truth or Dare Game Rules* (Radica - Girl Tech) $4.00
1982 Dark Crystal Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1968 Dark Shadows Game Rules* (Whitman) $4.00
1981 Dark Tower Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
2003 Dark Tower Game Rules* (Steve Jackson) $4.00
1992 Darkwing Duck Card Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
1991 Darkwing Duck LCD Game Rules* (Tiger) $4.00
1967 Dating (The) Game Rules* (Hasbro) $4.00
2005 Da Vinci's Challenge Card Game Rules* (Briarpatch) $4.00
1955 Davy Crockett Frontierland Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
1955 Davy Crockett Rescue Race Game Rules* (Gabriel) $4.00
1990 Days of Thunder Electronic LCD Game Rules* (Tiger) $4.00
1990 Daytona 500 Race Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1996 Daytona Challenge Game Rules* (Whalen) Order
1995 de Bono Game Rules* (Rex Games-The McQuaig Group)
2009 Deal or No Deal Deluxe Edition Handheld Model 02310 Game Rules* (Irwin Toy) $4.00
2009 Deal or No Deal Deluxe Edition Model 03108 Game Rules* (Irwin Toy) $4.00
2006 Deal or No Deal Electronic Tabletop Game Rules* (Irwin Toy) $4.00
2006 Deal or No Deal Game Rules* (Pressman) $4.00
1972 Dealer's Choice Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
1974 Dealer's Choice Place Your Bets Game Rules* (Gamut of Games) $4.00
2000 Dealing with Murder Crime File and Game Rules* (TDC Games) $4.00
1972 Decathlon Game Rules* (Time Inc.) $4.00
1973 Decathlon Game Rules* (Time Inc.) $4.00
1975 Deception Game Rules* (Milton Bradley-Lowe) $4.00
2004 Deck of Dogs Card Game Rules* (International Playthings) $4.00
1969 Decisions Decisions Game Rules* (Cadaco) $4.00
1976 Deduction Game Rules* (IDEAL) $4.00
1998 Deep Sea Diver Game Rules* (Family Pastimes) $4.00
2012 Deer in the Headlights Card Game Rules* (University Games - Front Porch) $4.00
1997 Defender Arcade Keychain Game Rules* (Tiger) $4.00
2006 Deflexion Game Rules* (Deflexion LLC) $4.00
1957 Deluxe Bingo Game Rules* (Whitman) $4.00
0000 Deluxe Bridge LCD Handheld Model 417D Game Rules* (Excalibur) $4.00
1979 Deluxe Dirty Words Game Rules* (Baron/Scott) $4.00
0000 Deluxe Football Playmaker Model 7-550 Electronic Game Rules* (Tiger) $4.00
2011 Deluxe LCD Bridge Handheld Model XC5488GN Game Rules* (Excalibur) Order
1996 Deluxe Lights Out Electronic (font too small for printing) Game Rules* (Tiger) $4.00
1975 Deluxe Mastermind Game Rules* (Invicta) $4.00
1995 Deluxe Monopoly Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
1989 Deluxe Parcheesi Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1999 Deluxe Parcheesi Game Rules* (Hasbro) $4.00
1984 Deluxe Raise the Roof Park Ave Ed Board Game Rules* (Henard Industries) $4.00 (uses 1985 rules)
1985 Deluxe Raise the Roof Park Ave Ed Board Game Rules* (Henard Industries) $4.00
1996 Deluxe Rummikub Game Rules* (Pressman) $4.00
2004 Deluxe Skill Ball Game Rules* (Hilco) $4.00
1995 Deluxe Skip-Bo Game Rules* (International Games) $4.00
2012 Deluxe Super Scrabble Game Rules* (Winning Moves) $4.00
1978 Deluxe Triple Yahtzee Game Rules* (Lowe) $4.00
1993 Dennis the Menace Game Rules* (Pressman) Order
1988 Dennis the Menace LCD Electronic Handheld Game Rules* (Tiger)
$4.00 (uses 1993 rules)
1993 Dennis the Menace LCD Electronic Handheld Game Rules* (Tiger) $4.00
1979 Denver Scene Game Rules* (Hansen) $4.00
1960 Deputy Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
2006 Der Schwarze Pirat Game Rules* (Haba Games) Order
2007 Der Schwarze Pirat Das Duell No. 4500 Game Rules* (Haba Games) Order
0000 Derby Day Horse Racing Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
1994 Derby Days Game Rules* (Ravensburger) $4.00
2005 Desperate Housewives Dirty Laundry Rules* (Cardinal) $4.00
1987 Destination Game Rules* (Garmik & Assoc.) Order
1999 Destination Mars Game Rules* (University Games)
1986 Destination Vacation (Rand McNally) Game Rules* (Hoyle Products) $4.00
1968 Destiny (Jeane Dixon's Game of) Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1961 Detectives Game Rules* (Transogram) $4.00
1999 Detour Game Rules* (DaMert) $4.00
1985 Deuce Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1939 Devil to Pay Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
2001 Dexter's Laboratory Game Rules* (The Incredible Invention vs Dee Dee) (Pressman) Order
0000 DHL Worldwide Express Game Rules* (DHL Airways, Inc.) $4.00.
1933 Diabolo Game Rules* (Parker Brothers)
1961 Dial 'n Spell Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) Order
1939 Dice Keno Game Rules* (Parker Brothers)
1932 Dice Roulette Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
1987 Dicey Rolley Game Rules* (Executive Visions) $4.00
1990 Dick Tracy (The) Game Rules* (University Games) $4.00
1986 Dictionary Dabble Game Rules* (Alna) $4.00
1993 Dictionary Dabble Game Rules* (Alna) $4.00  (uses 1986 rules)
1998 Dictionary Dabble Game Rules* (Patch) $4.00
1995 Die Maulwurf Company Game Rules* (Ravensburger) $4.00
1972 Diet Game Rules* (Dynamic Games) $4.00
1973 Differix Game Rules* (Ravensburger) $4.00
1985 Differix Game Rules* (Ravensburger) $4.00
1940 Dig Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
1973 Dig-It Action Word Game Rules* (Cadaco) $4.00
0000 Diggity Dog Game Rules* (International Playthings) $4.00
2007 Diggity Dog Game Rules* (International Playthings) $4.00 (uses no date rules)
2000 Digimon Digital Monsters Game Rules* (Mad Hatter's Toy & Game Factory) $4.00
1998 Dig'n Dinos (Monopoly Junior) Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
1971 Dik-Dak-Doe Game Rules* (Denver Plastics) $4.00
1997 Dilbert Corporate Shuffle Card Game Rules* (Wizards of the Coast) $4.00
2006 Dilbert The Board Game Rules* (Hyperion) $4.00
1982 Dilemmas Game Rules* (Avalon Hill) $4.00
2006 Dino Dig Challenge Game Rules* (Discovery Communications) $4.00
2000 Dino Dig Game Rules* (Innovative KIDS) $4.00
1993 Dino Dominoes Game Rules* (Great American Puzzle Factory) $4.00
2004 Dino Excavation Game Rules* (Discovery Communications) $4.00
1996 Dino Hunt Bring 'Em Back Alive Game Rules* (Steve Jackson Games) $4.00
0000 Dino Xcavator Electronic Game Rules* (Uncle Milton) $4.00
2003 Dino Xcavator Electronic Game Rules* (National Geographic) $4.00
1987 Dinobones Game Rules* (Warren) $4.00
1992 Dinobones Game Rules* (RoseArt) $4.00
2001 DinGomino Game Rules* (Gigamic) $4.00
1988 Dinomite Dino-Directory* (University Games) $4.00
1988 Dinomite Game Rules* (University Games) $4.00
0000 Dinosaur Card Game Rules* (International Playthings) $4.00
2004 Dinosaur Dig Game Rules* (International Playthings) $4.00
1980 Dinosaur Island Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
1995 Dinosaur, Survival or Extinction Game Rules* (Latz Chance Games) $4.00
2000 Dinosaur, Survival or Extinction Game Rules* (Latz Chance Games) $4.00 (uses 1995 rules)
1992 Dinosaurs and Things Game Rules* (Aristoplay) $4.00
2002 Dinosaurs and Things Game Rules* (Aristoplay) $4.00
1991 Dinosaurs Electronic LCD Game Rules* (Tiger) $4.00
2006 Dinosaurs Extinct? Game Rules* (Briarpatch) $4.00
1991 Dinosaurs Gotta Love Me Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1991 Dinosaurs Not the Mama Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1999 Dinosaur's Journey to Wellness Game Rules* (Childswork Childsplay) $4.00
1959 Diplomacy Game Rules* (Allan Calhamer) $4.00
1961 Diplomacy Game Rules* (Games Research) $4.00
1971 Diplomacy Game Rules* (Games Research) $4.00
1976 Diplomacy Game Rules* (Avalon Hill) $4.00
1982 Diplomacy Game 2nd Edition Rules* (Avalon Hill) $4.00
1992 Diplomacy Game 3rd Edition Rules* (Avalon Hill) $4.00
1999 Diplomacy Game 4th Edition Rules* (Avalon Hill) $4.00
2000 Diplomacy Game 4th Edition Rules* (Avalon Hill) $4.00
2008 Diplomacy Game 5th Edition Rules* (Avalon Hill) $4.00
1996 Director's Cut Game Rules* (Northern Games) $4.00
1972 Dirty Dice Game Rules* (Pacific Game Company) $4.00
0000 Dirty Laundry Game Rules* (International Playthings) $4.00
1970 Dirty Water (Water Pollution) Game Rules* (Urban Systems) $4.00
1977 Dirty Words Game Rules* (Baron/Scott) $4.00
1979 Dirty Words (Deluxe) Game Rules* (Baron/Scott) $4.00
2007 Disc Master Golf Game Rules* (Fundex) Order
1996 Dish It Up Game Rules* (Gamewright) $4.00
1956 Disney Adventureland Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
2005 Disney Animal Friends Jungle Party Game Rules* (Ravensburger) $4.00
1999 Disney Charades Game Rules* (Mattel)
1986 Disney Cartoon Classics VCR Board Game Rules* (Milton Bradley)
1986 Disney Movie Classics VCR Board Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
2007 Disney Fairies Magical Flower Garden Game Rules* (Ravensburger) $4.00
2008 Disney Fairies Magical Flower Garden Game Rules* (Ravensburger) $4.00
2006 Disney Fairies Tinker Bell and Friends Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1956 Disney Fantasyland Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
2004 Disney Group Photo Family Card Game Rules* (Friendly Games) $4.00
2001 Disney Guesswords Game Rules* (Mattel)
2011 Disney Hedbanz Game Rules* (Spin Master)
1989 Disney Light & Learn Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1997 Disney Little Mermaid Secrets of the Sea Game Rules* (Mattel)
2003 Disney Lotto Game Rules* (Ravensburger)
0000 Disney Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Silly Switch Game Rules* (Cardinal) $4.00
1979 Disney Mickey Mouse Jr. Rummy Royal Game Rules* (Whitman) $4.00
2005 Disney Pooh's Heffalump Game Rules* (Ravensburger) $4.00
2013 Disney Princess Enchanted Cupcake Party Game Rules* (Wonder Forge) $4.00
2001 Disney Princess Enchanted Dream Ball Game Rules* (Mattel)
2006 Disney Princess Enchanted Slippers Game Rules* (Milton Bradley)
2005 Disney Princess Gowns & Crowns Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
0000 Disney Princess Land of Enchantment Game Rules* (Cardinal) $4.00
2004 Disney Princess Magical Treasures Game Rules* (Ravensburger) $4.00
2004 Disney Princess Spinning Wishes Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
2009 Disney Rummikub Kids Edition Game Rules* (Pressman) $4.00
2007 Disney Scene It 2nd Edition The DVD Game Rules* (Screenlife) Order
2008 Disney Scene It 2nd Edition The DVD Quick Start Guide Game Rules* (Screenlife) Order
2005 Disney Scene It Deluxe Edition DVD Game Rules* (Screenlife)
2010 Disney Scene It Deluxe Magical Moments DVD Game Rules* (Screenlife) Order
2004 Disney Scene It The DVD Game Rules* (Mattel)
1998 Disney Secret Square Game Rules* (University Games)
0000 Disney Tale Spin Flying Aces and Air Show Giant Card Game Rules* (Golden) $4.00
1984 Disney Trivia Game Rules* (Golden) $4.00
2002 Disney UNO Game Rules* (Mattel) Order
2008 Disney Wheel of Fortune Letter Freq Charts & Solutions Game Rules* (Califon-Disney)
2005 Disney Winnie the Pooh Hunny Hop Game Rules* (Ravensburger) $4.00
2006 Disney Winnie the Pooh Tip N Topple Game Rules* (Ravensburger) $4.00
2002 Disney Wonderful World of Music Game Rules* (Mattel)
1990 Disneyland Game Rules* (Parker Brothers)
1960 Disneyland Monorail Game Rules* (Hasbro) $4.00
1986 Disney's All Aboard Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1961 Disney's Babes in Toyland Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
1986 Disney's Gummi Bears Giant Card Game Rules* (Golden) $4.00
1990 Disney's Little Mermaid Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
2004 Disney's Magic Kingdom Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
1999 Disney's Tarzan Treetop Chase 3D Game Rules* (Mattel) $4.00
1990 Disney's The Little Mermaid Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1993 Disorderly Conduct Game Rules* (Western Publishing) $4.00
1958 Dispatcher Game Rules* (Avalon Hill) $4.00
2002 Divin' Dolphins Game Rules* (Pressman) $4.00
1961 Diver Dan Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1954 Dixie or Bonus 20 Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
1952 Dixie Pollyanna Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
2010 Dizios Game (for 2007, 2009) Rules* (Mind Ware) $4.00
1987 Dizzy Dizzy Dinosaur Game Rules* (Pressman) $4.00
1993 Dizzy Dizzy Dinosaur Game Rules* (Pressman) $4.00  (uses 1987 rules)
2011 Dizzy Dizzy Dinosaur Game Rules* (Patch Products) $4.00
1981 Dizzy Dolphins Disco Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1996 Dizzy Dryer Game Rules* (Mattel)
1978 Dizzy Spell Hi Q Game Rules* (Gabriel)
1991 Do The Urkel Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1978 Doctor, Doctor Game Rules* (IDEAL) $4.00
2011 Doctor Dreadful Scabs N' Guts Game Rules* (Spin Master) $4.00
2005 Dodge Discs Game Rules* (Wild Planet Toys) $4.00
1973 Dog Gone Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
1987 Doggone It Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
2000 Doghouse Game Rules* (M. J. Moran) $4.00
1974 Dollar Bill Poker Game Rules* (Lowe - Milton Bradley) $4.00
1983 Domain Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
1982 Domination Game Rules (In Color)* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1982 Domingo Game Rules* (Whitman - Western Publishing) Order
1980 Dominique Game Rules* (Great Games) Order
1995 Domino Land Game Rules* (Ravensburger) Order
1993 Domino Rally Adventure Set with Action Sounds* (Pressman) $4.00
1989 Domino Rally Basic Set Instructions* (Pressman) $4.00
1993 Domino Rally Basic Set with Whirling Copter Instructions* (Pressman) $4.00
1994 Domino Rally Basic Set with Glow in the Dark Stunts Instructions* (Pressman) $4.00
1992 Domino Rally Builders Action Set Instructions* (Pressman) $4.00
1989 Domino Rally Deluxe 210 Dominoes Set Instructions* (Pressman) $4.00
1989 Domino Rally Deluxe 266 Dominoes Set Instructions* (Pressman) $4.00
1997 Domino Rally Deluxe Set Instructions* (Pressman) $4.00
2002 Domino Rally Dino Roar Set Instructions* (Pressman) $4.00
1992 Domino Rally Domino Dealer Instructions* (Pressman) $4.00
1997 Domino Rally Domino Dealer Instructions* (Pressman) $4.00
1994 Domino Rally Extreme Action Set Instructions* (Pressman) $4.00
1993 Domino Rally Galaxy Explorer Set Instructions* (Pressman) $4.00
1991 Domino Rally Glow in the Dark Ghost Ride Set Instructions* (Pressman) $4.00
1981 Domino Rally Incredible Set Instructions* (Mego Corp.) $4.00
1989 Domino Rally Intermediate Set Instructions* (Pressman) $4.00
1996 Domino Rally MAD LAB Set Instructions* (Pressman) $4.00
1998 Domino Rally Mountain Bike Adventure Set Instructions* (Pressman) $4.00
1990 Domino Rally Neon Super Deluxe Set Instructions* (Pressman) $4.00
1994 Domino Rally Pathmaker Set Instructions* (Pressman) $4.00
1992 Domino Rally Spectacular Stunt Set Instructions* (Pressman) $4.00
2002 Domino Rally Spider Kick Out Instructions* (Pressman) $4.00
2004 Domino Road Game Rules* (Discovery Toys) $4.00
0000 Dominoes Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
1975 Dominoes Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1983 Dominoes Double Nine Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00 (uses 1975 MB rules)
1970 Donald Duck Money Bag (Walt Disney) Game Rules* (Whitman) $4.00
1938 Donald Duck's Party Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
1990 Donald Go Along Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
1991 Donald Pop-Along ABC Letter Games Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
1995 Donkey Kong County POG Pitchin Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1982 Donkey Kong Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1977 Donnie & Marie TV Show Game Rules* (Osbro Productions) $4.00
1977 Don't Break the Ice Game Rules* (Schaper) $4.00
1984 Don't Break the Ice Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1997 Don't Break the Ice Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1998 Don't Bug Me Card Game Rules* (Great American Puzzle Factory) $4.00
1993 Don't Bug Me Game Rules* (Backos Games) $4.00
1994 Don't Bug Me Game Rules* (Tyco Games) $4.00 (uses 1995 rules)
1995 Don't Bug Me Game Rules* (Tyco Games) $4.00
1970 Don't Cook Your Goose Game Rules* (Schaper) $4.00
0000 Don't Count Your Chickens Game Rules* (Talentoys) $4.00
2005 Don't Cut the Cheese Game Rules* (Fundex) $4.00
1991 Don't Drop Mama Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
1992 Don't Feed the Gators Game Rules* (Golden) $4.00
1987 Don't Flip Me Out Game Rules* (IDEAL) $4.00
1993 Don't Get Rattled Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1971 Don't Go Overboard Game Rules* (Schaper) $4.00
1991 Don't Go to Jail Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
1990 Don't Have a Cow Simpsons Game Rules* Milton Bradley $4.00
2003 Don't Make Me Laugh Jr. Game Rules* (Lolo Company) $4.00
1965 Don't Miss the Boat Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
1980 Don't Miss the Boat Game Rules* (Schaper) $4.00
1987 Don't Monkey Around Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1987 Don't Panic Game Rules* (Coleco) $4.00
1990 Don't Panic Game Rules* (Milton Bradley $4.00
2005 Don't Panic (Simpsons Edition) Game Rules* (RoseArt) $4.00
2008 Don't Say It Game Rules* (Pressman) $4.00
1999 Don't Sink in the Sink Game Rules* (Talicor) $4.00
1997 Don't Spill the Beans Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1979 Don't Tip the Waiter Game Rules* (Colorforms) $4.00
2007 Don't Tip the Waiter Game Rules* (Fundex) $4.00
2011 Don't Upset Me Game Rules* (IDEAL-PoofSlinky) $4.00
1992 Don't Wake Daddy Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
1997 Don't Wake Daddy Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
1999 Don't Wake Daddy Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
2001 Don't Wake Daddy Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) (uses 1999 rules) $4.00
1993 Don't Wake Daddy Travel Edition Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
1986 Don't Wake the Dragon Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
2003 Don't Wake the Giant Game Rules* (Schylling) $4.00
1997 Don't You Forget It Game Rules* (Pressman) $4.00
1992 Donut Disaster Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
2006 Doodle Dice Game Rules* (Jax LTD) Order
1986 Doolittle & Waite Game Rules* (Inward Games) $4.00
1993 Doonesbury Game Rules* (MicroFun) $4.00
1986 Doorways to Adventure Game Rules* (Pressman) $4.00
1986 Doorways to Horror Game Rules* (Pressman) $4.00
2006 Dora The Explorer ABC Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
2005 Dora the Explorer Memory Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
2002 Dora The Explorer Play Park Adventure Game Rules* (Mattel)
2008 Dora's Magical Adventure Handheld Game Rules* (Zizzle)
1981 Dotto Game Rules* (Tega-Rand International) $4.00
1974 Double Cross Game Rules* (Lakeside) $4.00
1988 Double Crossing Game Rules* (Lionel Trains Inc.) $4.00
1987 Double Dare Game Rules* (Pressman) $4.00
2001 Double Dare (Nickelodeon) Game Rules* (Mattel)
1971 Double Decker Game Rules* (Pressman)
1963 Double Fun Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1975 Double Hi-Q Game Rules* (Gabriel) $4.00
0000 Double Pickup Sticks Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
1979 Double Play Baseball (3 Yellow Peg, Small Box) Game Rules* (Lakeside) Order
1984 Double Play Baseball (3 Yellow Peg, Small Box) Game Rules* (Lakeside) Order (uses 1979 rules)
1992 Double Talk Game Rules* (Boyle & Elggren) $4.00
1992 Double Talk Second Edition Game Rules* (Boyle & Elggren) $4.00
1976 Double Trouble Game Rules* (Gabriel) $4.00
1987 Double Trouble Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1981 Doubletrack Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1992 Doug The Bluff Scout Adventure 3-D Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
1979 Down & Out Game Rules* (Mag-Nif) $4.00
1982 Down the Tubes Game Rules* (Whitman) $4.00
1994 Downfall Game Rules* (Golden) $4.00
1970 DOZO Game Rules* (Stancraft Products) Order
2011 Dr. Dreadful Scabs N' Guts Game Rules* (Spin Master) $4.00
1994 Dr. Gilbert's Ant Trails Game Rules* (Great American Puzzle Factory) $4.00
1962 Dr. Kildare Game Rules* (IDEAL) $4.00
1999 Dr. Laura Game Rules* (Hasbro) $4.00
1985 Dr. Ruth's Game of Good Sex Game Rules* (Victory Games) $4.00
2000 Dr. Seuss Trivia Game Rules* (University Games) $4.00
2006 Dr. Seuss's ABC Game Rules* (University Games) $4.00
1987 Dr. Tangle Game Rules* (Selchow & Righter) $4.00
1987 Dr. Wack-O (T.H.I.N.G.S.) Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
2005 Dracula (Fury of) Game Rules* (Fantasy Flight Games) $4.00
1977 Dracula Game Rules* (Waddingtons) $4.00
1955 Dragnet Badge 714 Game Rules* (Transogram) $4.00
1982 Dragon Chinese Checkers Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1995 Dragon Dice (Red) Game Rules* (Jax Games) $4.00
1998 Dragon Hunt Card Game Rules* (US Games Systems) $4.00
2007 Dragon Hunt Card Game Rules* (US Games Systems) $4.00
1981 Dragon Master Game Rules* (Lowe/Milton Bradley) $4.00
1991 Dragon Masters Game Rules* (Games Workshop) $4.00
1993 Dragon Strike Adventure Book* (TSR) $4.00
1993 Dragon Strike Game Rules* (TSR) $4.00
1993 Dragon Strike Map Book* (TSR) $4.00
2002 Dragon Strike Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1999 Dragon Tales Matching Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1984 Dragon's Lair Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1981 Dragonmaster Game Rules* (Lowe/Milton Bradley) $4.00
2006 Dragonology Game Rules* (Templar Publishing - Sababa Toys) $4.00
1983 Dragonriders of Pern Basic, Advanced, Solitaire Game Rules* (Mayfair Games) $4.00
1981 Dragonslayer Game Charts Maps Rules* (SPI) $4.00
0000 Draw Poker Electronic 472 EXC Game Rules* (Excalibur Electronics) $4.00
2003 Dread Pirate Bookshelf Edition Game Rules* (Front Porch Classics) $4.00
2003 Dread Pirate Second Edition Game Rules* (Front Porch Classics) $4.00
2007 Dream Life Superstar Game Rules* (Tiger) $4.00
1991 Dream Phone Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1996 Dream Phone Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
2001 Dream Star Game Rules* (Pressman) $4.00
1969 Dreams (Interpretation of) Game Instructions* (Hasbro) $4.00
2005 Drinking Games 50 Games for Thirsty Throats Rules* (Cheatwell Games) $4.00
1987 Drive Ya Nuts Game Solution* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1993 Driveway Deals Game Rules* (Weiner Games) $4.00
1991 DubbleKross Game Rules* (Red Oak Products)
2003 Duck Duck Goose Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1989 Duck Tales Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1976 Duell Game Rules* (Lakeside) $4.00
1981 Dukes of Hazzard Card Game Rules* (IGI) $4.00
1969 Dumy Rumy Game Rules* (CO-5 Company) $4.00
1984 Dune Adventure Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
1977 Dungeon Dice Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
1975 Dungeon Game Rules* (TSR) $4.00
1990 Dungeon Escape Game Rules* (Creative Child Games) $4.00
1981 Dungeon Fantasy Game Rules* (TSR) $4.00
1989 Dungeon New Edition Game Rules* (TSR) $4.00
2002 Dungeon of Doom Game Rules* (Pressman) $4.00
1981 Dungeons & Dragons Board Game Rules* (TSR) Order
1983 Dungeons & Dragons Basic 1011 Players and Dungeon Masters Guide* (TSR) Order
1980 Dungeons & Dragons Electronic Game Rules* (Mattel)
2003 Dungeons & Dragons Fantasy Adventure Master's Guide* (Hasbro)
2003 Dungeons & Dragons Fantasy Adventure Player's Guide* (Hasbro) $4.00
2014 Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set Rulebook* (Wizards of the Coast) $4.00
1991 Dungeons & Dragons Trivia Advanced 2nd Edition Game Rules* (TSR) $4.00
1975 Duplicate Ad-Lib Crossword Cubes Game Rules* (Milton Bradley-Lowe) $4.00
1976 Duplicate Ad-Lib Crossword Cubes Game Rules* (Milton Bradley-Lowe) $4.00 (uses 1975 rules)
1975 Duplicate Crossword Scrabble Game Rules* (Selchow & Righter) $4.00
1985 Duran Duran Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
1968 Dutch Blitz Game Rules* (Dutch Blitz Game Company) $4.00
1973 Dutch Blitz Game Rules* (Dutch Blitz Game Company) $4.00  (uses 1968 rules)
1988 Dweebs, Geeks & Weirdos Game Rules* (Golden) $4.00
1988 Dynamite Game Rules* (Parker Brothers) $4.00
1968 Dynamite Shack Game Rules* (Milton Bradley) $4.00
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